Monthly Archives: April 2016

Steve Sailer: Theranos: Maybe Old White Men Don’t Actually Hate Young Blondes After All?

Steve Tobak writes: The wheels are coming off the cart at Theranos, the $9 billion startup founded by Stanford dropout Elizabeth Holmes when she was 19. Its proprietary blood testing technology is the subject of a scathing report from the … Continue reading

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Porn star Amber Rayne who accused James Deen of rape found dead aged 31

Daily Mirror: Originally from Detroit, Amber headed to Los Angeles with a touring musical production with a BA in Theater Arts and a Minor in Art History from California State University-Los Angeles. Rayne began to perform in porn films during … Continue reading

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The Future

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A Line Hot Girls Love

From the Chateau: Here’s a line I sometimes toss out to faux bitchy girls glibly assuming I’m just another chode waiting to polish their pussy pedestals. As far as asshole lines go, this one is lethally penetrative of girly egg-bunkering … Continue reading

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The Age Of Treason And Open Borders

From the Chateau: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two … Continue reading

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