Monthly Archives: April 2016

Trump v. the Council on Foreign Relations

The Journal of American Greatness: Trump’s foreign policy speech is being criticized by all the usual sources for all the usual reasons. If you’ve been following the foreign policy establishment and their cheerleader commentariat for any length of time, it … Continue reading

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Listening To The Other

One smart goy writes: The first time I was told white men didn’t listen enough, I was in 9th grade, and we were reading The House on Mango Street, or A Raisin in the Sun, or To Kill a Mockingbird. … Continue reading

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God and the Religions

One smart goy writes: Go read Deuteronomy 13:1-11. Come on. Just do it. What do you think about this part: “If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly … Continue reading

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America First

A goy tweets: Those who are reacting negatively to #Trump and #AmericaFirst as a foreign policy: what would be “first” in your view? Help me understand. Susan Dunn writes: (CNN)”My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American … Continue reading

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Trump Confirmed For Chateau Heartiste Disciple

From the Chateau: Piers Morgan (he’s had a “come to shitlord” moment) writes about Trump’s sway over the ladies. Read this, and you’ll wonder yourself if Trump was a founding proprietor of Le Chateau. ‘They say every powerful man is … Continue reading

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