Monthly Archives: April 2016

Fired For Noticing

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The political coalition of the left depends entirely on keeping united various groups that really don’t like each other much, so the progressives do everything they can to keep their anger directed at oppressive law-abiding … Continue reading

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What About The SAT Score?

News: Montclair, New Jersey: As a New York high school student checked her phone for the results of her university admissions applications, she was overcome by disbelief. One by one, each relayed the same news: Harvard. Yes. Dartmouth. Yes. Princeton. … Continue reading

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Has Trump given up on the Jews?

Perhaps Trump will get a boost from gentile Americans if he is not seen as pandering to special interests. Trump’s national security team is all gentile. Trump said all the right things to AIPAC a couple of weeks ago but … Continue reading

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The talk-radio godfather of Trumpamania: What Michael Savage can tell us about America’s white working class

I’ve usually avoided listening to Michael Savage because I don’t: * Like listening to commercials * Don’t want more negativity and anger in my life. Almost all talk radio seems aimed at inspiring rage. Here’s a good article in Salon: … Continue reading

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Dale Hurd: European Elites Conspired to Lie about the Islamic Enemy

Blood on Their Hands: Europe’s Immigration Lie, by Dale Hurd,, April 5, 2016 BRUSSELS — We now know that there has been a cover-up by governments and the media in Western Europe about the potential danger of immigration from … Continue reading

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