Monthly Archives: April 2016

The 9/11 Mosque Thrives In Culver City

From the Observer in 2006: The largest mosque in Southern California is located in Culver City, just south of Beverly Hills, not far from the Sony Pictures movie lot. The blue-and-white-tiled building—with an imposing four-story minaret that resembles a USAF … Continue reading

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The Jewish Left Wants Muslims To Rise In The West

Her self-description: “Vivian Rothstein is a development consultant for the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy. She has a long history as a community organizer, beginning with her work in the Mississippi Freedom Summer project of 1965.” She embraces … Continue reading

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Culver City King Fahad Mosque Played A Key Role In 9/11

I admire America’s tolerance of a fifth column in its midst. How come this mosque wasn’t knocked down and its leaders deported in the aftermath of 9/11? Because of the Constitution. Three cheers for tolerance! In a normal country, these … Continue reading

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LAT: A disproportionate share of blacks and Latinos lose their driver’s licenses because of unpaid tickets, study finds

Knock me over with a feather. I would never have expected this. Aside from this blip, blacks and latinos in America are otherwise a picture of financial probity and are famed for their strong family units, high education and incomes, … Continue reading

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Why Do The Rich Live Longer?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The reason why the affluent live so much longer than the poor has nothing to do with location, or with access to top-notch medicine. Medicine in the early 21st Century is actually extremely primitive, and … Continue reading

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