Monthly Archives: April 2016

My Rebbe Says

My Rebbe says it is assur for a Jew to vote for any candidate who has anything bad to say about Wall Street who might mean it. So looks like we should support Clinton. The Clintons, we can do business … Continue reading

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The Trump-Loving ‘Alt-Right’ Turns to Guns to Piss People Off

These journos could never match brains or wits with the Alt Right, so they always resort to slurs. Alex Yabon writes: The punditry’s dissection of the origins of the Donald Trump juggernaut has lately been joined by exhaustive analysis of … Continue reading

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Tabletmag: Who Are Trump’s Alt-Right Supporters?

The short answer is that the Alt-Right are goyim who think like Jews when it comes to their own tribe. Just as Jews ask — is it good for the Jews? The Alt Right asks — is this good for … Continue reading

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The Return Of The Mouth-Breathers

Such devastating eloquence from Matthew Continetti! Ricky Vaugn tweets: “William Kristol’s son-in-law has an article in Commentary today lamenting that in the internet age there is no Buckley to purge heretics.” From Commentary Magazine: The nasty mouth-breathers Buckley expelled from … Continue reading

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LAT: Why this cop’s conviction brought thousands of Asian Americans into New York’s streets

Short answer: Because the Chinese know they have group interests. It’s a shame American whites don’t have the same clarity. A multi-racial society is always ripe for a race war. Los Angeles Times: On a Saturday in February, Chivy Ngo, … Continue reading

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