Monthly Archives: April 2016

Low-IQ Jews In Israel Out-Breeding Smart Ashkenazi Jews

Martin Kramer writes: There is another demographic reason for “distancing.” In 1948, American and Israeli Jews were landslayt. They or their parents had come out of the same cities, towns, and shtetls of Europe. American Jews looked at Israeli Jews … Continue reading

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Haaretz: Bernie Backs the Jewish Values We Millenials Believe in – and Israel’s Not One of Them

If you are a normative leftist, you do not believe in the importance of race and religion. Hence Israel as the Jewish state is going to offend you. If you are Jewish before you are left, then you’ll find ways … Continue reading

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‘Al Sharpton’s National Action Network is 100% Diverse! So impressive! And so Progressive!’

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‘An #Islamic street preacher on why its ok to sleep with 9 y/o girls.’

An #Islamic street preacher on why its ok to sleep with 9 y/o girls.#IslamIsEvil #IslamIsTheProblem — !The Whitest Rabbit! (@WhitestRabbit_) February 22, 2016

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Praying For Paris

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