Monthly Archives: April 2016

‘Love might win. But Herpes wins more. #Yikes’

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The Marx of the Anti-Semites

John Derbyshire writes in 2003: One evening early on in my career as an opinion journalist in the USA, I found myself in a roomful of mainstream conservative types standing around in groups and gossiping. Because I was new to … Continue reading

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You Can’t Whitewash The Alt-Right’s Bigotry

Cathy Young writes: Who’d have thought that in 2016, we would be discussing whether mainstream Republicans and conservatives should be nicer to white nationalists? Yet here we are. The debate is, of course, about the “alternative right,” suddenly propelled into … Continue reading

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Case Against Corey Lewandowski Dropped

Daily Mail: ‘I thought she was drunk’: What witness to Trump campaign aide’s alleged battery told police about reporter ‘victim’ he thought was staging ‘a fraudulent slip-and-fall’ Michelle Fields, then of Breitbart News, claimed Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski … Continue reading

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Australian student faces $200,000 bill in Facebook post racism row

A friend says: “Don’t come back to australia: you couldn’t afford to pay for just a day’s worth of your facebook posts.” Why on earth would aborigines need their own computer lab? If so, then other groups need their own … Continue reading

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