Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Life Of The Sperm Donor

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I looked into becoming a sperm donor. It paid, but not enough to make it worthwhile just from a financial standpoint. You could make maybe $150-300 a month if you donated at the maximum allowable … Continue reading

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When Black Children Were Denied IQ Tests in California

From 2004: SAN JOSE, Calif. – The United States may have come a long way in the fight against institutionalized racism but in California, black children are still being denied access to an important educational tool. Pamela Lewis wanted to … Continue reading

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Cathy Young’s Sloppy Point ‘n Sputter Alt Right Attack In THE FEDERALIST

John Derbyshire writes: So here is journalist Cathy Young [Email her] who writes commentary from a position somewhere in the borderlands where libertarianism meets neoconservatism. Her response to Yiannopoulos and Bokhari went up on the Federalist website this last Thursday. … Continue reading

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Cathy Young: The Alt-Right: They’re creepy and they’re kooky, and not in the cute Addams Family way

Is throwing slurs such as “creepy” and “kooky” supposed to be an honorable form of argument? There are only two honorable forms of argument — disputing facts and logic. Most women are not cut out for such disputation. Most men … Continue reading

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Harvard critic Ron Unz faces scrutiny on donations

Boston Globe: Conservative software engineer Ron Unz, who led a successful 2002 ballot initiative that severely limited bilingual education in Massachusetts, has rounded up four other candidates — including Ralph Nader — on a platform of making Harvard tuition free … Continue reading

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