Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Whitening Of San Francisco

Steve Sailer writes: The city of San Francisco has become a notoriously unaffordable place to live. Two-bedroom apartments in San Francisco currently average $4,126 per month, up from $1,840 in 2009. To buy a three-bedroom home would run you $1,612,500. … Continue reading

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Heather Mac Donald: Violent crime has shot up due to the nonstop war on cops waged by Shaun King, Black Lives Matter, and the ACLU

Heather Mac Donald writes: Will the anti-cop Left please figure out what it wants? For more than a decade, activists have demanded the end of proactive policing, claiming that it was racist. Pedestrian stops—otherwise known as stop, question, and frisk—were … Continue reading

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Evelyn Rich: To Those Who Have Wondered If I’m Jewish

There has been a lot of speculation over the years that Evelyn Rich, a PhD from Boston University in Sociology and African-American Studies (with her dissertation on the ideology of the modern KKK, “Ku Klux Klan ideology, 1954-1988“) and the … Continue reading

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Got News: Yes, Cathy Young Is A Cowardly Fraud and Not Just On The #AltRight Hit Piece

Charles Johnson writes: Cathy Young is pretty naive about how politics actually works. And no where is that clearer than in her confused Federalist hit piece against the Alt Right. has already pointed out that the factual errors with … Continue reading

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NBC: Curt Schilling makes a disgusting anti-transgender post on Facebook

From NBC: This has got to be the final straw, right? Curt Schilling, ESPN’s baseball analyst who has been in trouble multiple times for his social media posts and comments, has once again stepped in it. Indeed, this may be … Continue reading

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