Monthly Archives: April 2016

Young Non-Orthodox Jews Tend To Have A More Distant Relationship To Israel

Bernie Sanders, the one Jew running for President, seems to have the most distant relationship to Israel of any of the main contenders. Jared Sichel writes for the Jewish Journal: On April 12, Simone Zimmerman, a Los Angeles Jewish day … Continue reading

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Israel’s Pro-Black Migrant Protest

From 2015: Israel’s Ethiopian Jews clash with police at race rally Dozens injured during anti-racism rally in Tel Aviv sparked by brutality against a black soldier. Israeli riot police have fired stun grenades and water cannon on thousands of ethnic … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right’s Settled Debates

The Social Pathologist blogs: Ramsey Paul put up a good video post a few weeks ago. It quite clearly explains the problems with the 1488 crowd and the Alt-Right. Now some definitions according to me: 1) Dissident Right= All groups … Continue reading

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When Was the Last Time the NYT Mentioned “Anti-Gentilism?”

Steve Sailer writes: Back in 2008 it finally dawned on me that the popular phrases “white guilt” and “Jewish guilt” have functionally opposite meanings: In other words, in the classic example of Jewish guilt, [Philip Roth’s] Portnoy’s Complaint, Jewish guilt … Continue reading

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The Maidel Menace

James: “The Jewess Fetishizers are become their own faction in the Alternative Right.” Chaim Amalek writes: “The Maidel Menace goes deeper than they know. Some bio-Jewesses are converting to other faiths and passing themselves off as “gentile.” Only, in genetic … Continue reading

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