Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Decline Of Free Speech In The West

From the Gatestone Institute: The West has capitulated on freedom of expression. Nobody in the West launched the motto “Je Suis Avijit Roy,” the name of the first of the several bloggers butchered, flogged or jailed last year for criticizing … Continue reading

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Smart People Have Fewer Sex Partners

Psychology Today: “Intelligence is negatively associated with sex frequency,” says Rosemary Hopcroft, a sociologist at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “It’s a bit dismaying.” And people with higher education levels generally have lower numbers of sexual partners. The … Continue reading

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Is Everyone The Same At Heart?

Luke Lea writes: I, like most people in the West, just assumed that people everywhere were more or less the same until the invasion of Iraq. How could anyone anywhere who didn’t belong to the ruling class not be in … Continue reading

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The new religion of the Silicon Valley elite

Ed West writes: One of the curious trends of recent years has been the rise of “the radical Rich” – billionaires devoted to progressive social movements, whether it’s same-sex marriage or open borders. A recent example is the effort to … Continue reading

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The Rise & Fall Of The West

Comments: * Current Western liberalism is a condition I call empathobesity. Briefly, just like obesity is a result of a generally healthy affinity for food gone mad, emapthobesity is a suicidal excess of an otherwise useful instinct of empathy. The … Continue reading

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