Monthly Archives: April 2016

American Women Are Becoming Less Feminine

And less white. From the Chateau: Longtime Chateau guests know I’m keen to *preen* when the pretext is right. But sometimes even an egregious preening can’t sufficiently convey the tumescence of my stroked ego when SCIENCE! lands a study in … Continue reading

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Women Prefer Laconic Men

From the Chateau: We’ve talked here about the problem of being tongue-tied in the presence of women. A scarcity of speech is the biggest issue for the majority of men. But we shouldn’t forget the mirror image of this attractiveness-killing … Continue reading

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Why Do Women Love Felons?

From the Chateau: The usual Hivemind-approved rationalizations are given for why women LOVE LOVE LOVE incarcerated lowlifes (“emotional manipulation”, “forced intimacy”, “savior mentality”, etc), but really the answer is the most Occam-y of the hypothesis razors: dangerous men make women’s … Continue reading

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What Lesbians Teach Us About Straight Women

From the Chateau: Lesbians are repulsive to look at. To gaze upon a lesbian is to scoop out one’s retinas as an offering to the sun god who will burn them to a crisp. Almost all of them are fat … Continue reading

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Amazon Doesn’t Consider the Race of Its Customers. Should It?

Comments: * The same-day delivery gap. In this case, I doubt there’s any racist motive, but this is an another example of how more and better data, can actually lead to more and “better” levels of discrimination, i.e. profit-relevant profiling … Continue reading

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