Monthly Archives: April 2016

WP: This study found race matters in police shootings, but the results may surprise you

Nobody wants to make their life harder, so police understandably hesitate longer before shooting a black suspect. Washington Post: The conventional thinking about police-involved shootings, and some scientific research, has been that black suspects are more likely to be shot … Continue reading

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John Rivers: When this primary season started I was still a loyal FoxNews watcher and regular National Review reader. Things change.

John tweets: I used to always have the TV on in the background, either ESPN or FoxNews. Usually, Fox. Now, almost never. Slowly my FoxNews habit dwindled. At the end I would still watch the last 20 min of Baier … Continue reading

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Open Borders – The Mexican-Australian Restaurant

A friend down under says: I kind of find it hilarious this is in an Australian Mexican restaurant – I thought of your face. The company is actually called NO BORDERS. The left love the idea of no borders but … Continue reading

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Are Mexicans Anti-Semitic?

Comments: * I don’t think Mexicans are anti-Semitic at any level. The confusion with this is that when you do a survey of them of attitudes towards Jews, they answer honestly. Sometimes the questions are just looking to see if … Continue reading

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Gentrification CA-Style

Comments to Steve Sailer: * When I was a yuppie in San Francisco back in the 80′s, I lived in the Castro for about two years. Me and two other straight guys had a flat in “Noe Valley” until that … Continue reading

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