Daily Archives: March 25, 2016

What If Diversity Is Our Weakness?

Rod Dreher writes: A reader left this comment on the “What’s The Matter With Utah?” thread. I think it’s really thought-provoking and challenging, but he posted it under his real name, and I’m worried that if I approve it, it … Continue reading

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American College Of Pediatricians Warns: Youth Transgenderism Is Child Abuse

Daily Caller: The American College of Pediatricians issued a sharply worded statement warning against any policies that condition children to accept transgenderism as normal. “Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is … Continue reading

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Who Is Chelsea Clinton’s Father?

Comments: * Photo of Chelsea Clinton up on Drudge’s front page right now (and all day) doesn’t REALLY resemble Webster Hubbell I’ll be damned. * I suspect Hubbell probably is her biological father, but via in vitro fertilization. If one … Continue reading

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Chinese Cheating

My professor friends tell me that Asians cheat more than any other group (though Jews come close). People in business tell me that the Chinese will try to cheat you every way imaginable. Comments: * I’m sure most of the … Continue reading

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Trump Supporter Derails CNN Segment by Accusing Fellow Guest of Having an Affair With Ted Cruz

REPORT: A CNN debate between a Donald Trump supporter and former Ted Cruz communications director Amanda Carpenter went off the rails Friday when the Trump supporter suddenly accused Carpenter of having an illicit affair with her former boss. CNN’s Kate … Continue reading

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