Daily Archives: March 25, 2016

WP: Cruz: National Enquirer story is ‘garbage’ from ‘Donald Trump and his henchmen’

I think the Washington Post is the first MSM outlet to cover this story. David Weigel writes: OSHKOSH, Wis. – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) blamed “Donald Trump and his henchmen” for planting a National Enquirer story that accused him of … Continue reading

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For Purim, French Jew goes to synagogue dressed as jihadist

AFP: A 40-year-old Jewish man tempted fate by walking into a Paris synagogue dressed as a jihadist, carrying a fake rifle and shouting “Allahu Akbar”, a police source said Friday. For the soldiers guarding the Habad Loubavitch synagogue in Vincennes … Continue reading

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Who Runs This Town?

Comment: “You know who runs this town, don’t you?” “The Jews?” “The gay Jews!” Gary Shandling’s interview with Ricky Gervais is something special. I think that after that they cancelled Ricky’s interview show. * Shandling was a definite contender to … Continue reading

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Trump v Cruz

Comments: * Trump’s reaction isn’t part of any strategy. It’s an alpha male gut reflex with the intention of smacking Cruz right back down into beta malehood. Trump is saying, ‘I have the supermodel wife and you don’t because I’m … Continue reading

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What Is Pol/Pos/Poz?

Comment: pol refers to 4chan.org/pol and 8ch.net/pol, the latter being more nazi than the former. As you would expect, pol has also come to refer to the people, ideas, and trolling activity common on those boards. pos = piece of … Continue reading

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