Daily Archives: March 24, 2016

Has Neil DeGrasse Tyson Done Any Real Science?

“Has Tyson done any real science? He seems to be a media celebrity, but when I look in the Smithsonian/NASA ADS, I can find no record of scholarly work in science, except for popular books and social commentary. Is he … Continue reading

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Affirmative Action Lands in the Air Traffic Control Tower

Jason Riley writes for the WSJ: When a plane starts its final descent, are the passengers more concerned about the competence or about the skin color of the air-traffic controllers on the ground who will help the pilot land safely? … Continue reading

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NYP: FDNY’s new entry exam asks about everything but firefighting

Steve Sailer writes: Back in 2007, the Bush Administration rewarded the firemen of New York City, 343 of whom died on 9/11, by suing them for disparate impact discrimination in hiring. In 2009 a Democratic judge ruled the test devised … Continue reading

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Watch Out, Jewish Students: The anti-Israel Movement Will Boycott You Next

From Haaretz: Recent events at Brown University reflect a frightening new stage to the BDS movement: targeting Jewish students and institutions that don’t explicitly distance themselves from Israel. Janet Mock was born in Honolulu in 1983 to an African-American father … Continue reading

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Microsoft Creates AI Bot – Internet Immediately Turns it Racist

REPORT: Microsoft released an AI chat bot that is currently “verified” on Twitter called @TayandYou that was meant to try to learn the way millennials speak and interact with them. It’s meant to “test and improve Microsoft’s understanding of conversational … Continue reading

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