Daily Archives: March 21, 2016

Hillary’s Vulnerabilities

Luke Lea writes: Clinton’s vulnerabilities in the fall: Her embrace of Merkel Her embrace of Al Sharpton Her vote on Iraq Her advocacy of Eqyptian intervention Her advocacy of Libya intervention The Bengazi thing (thought personally I think this is … Continue reading

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Gay Jew James Kirchick: Donald Trump Is Turning Me Liberal

I’m enjoying the Jewish hysteria. James “two-time winner of a National Lesbian & Gay Journalist Association Award!” Kirchick writes: I find Trump’s contempt for the basic functions of democracy—in particular the First Amendment to the United States Constitution—absolutely appalling. His … Continue reading

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Make America Great Again

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Those two guys are making it tough for media shakedown artists just trying to make a living. Poor millennial media grifters like Michelle Fields and Ben Shapiro are going to run out of places to … Continue reading

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