Daily Archives: March 21, 2016

WP: Trump questions need for NATO, outlines non-interventionist foreign policy

It’s as though Donald Trump’s favorite people are Americans. It feels like every day Donald Trump is making front-page news. He’s a compelling character. It’s hard to stop reading about him. Conservative Pundit tweets: “George Washington is no doubt rolling … Continue reading

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Trump Wants US Out Of NATO

John J.Mearsheimer has said for years that the US should get out of NATO and pivot to asia to contain China. Daily Beast: In a meeting with The Washington Post’s editorial board, Donald Trump suggested NATO has outlived its usefulness … Continue reading

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Why I Can’t Take Bethany Mandel Seriously

Conservative commentator Bethany Mandel (wife of New York Post op/ed Editor Seth Mandel) writes for the Forward under this headline: “My Trump Tweets Earned Me So Many Anti-Semitic Haters That I Bought a Gun” Wow, sounds horrible until you think … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton Runs To The Right Of Donald Trump On Israel

From Mondoweiss: If there was any doubt that Hillary Clinton is running to the right of Donald Trump on Israel, she removed it this morning with a fist-pumping hard-right speech to the Israel lobby group AIPAC that mentioned Israeli settlements … Continue reading

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Ron Unz Running For US Senate

Steve Sailer writes: Ron was motivated by both parties of the Sacramento legislature voting quietly to put on the ballot in 2016 a ballot measure in effect repealing his signature Proposition 227. This 1998 measure switched the default in California … Continue reading

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