Daily Archives: March 10, 2016

Ms. Equals Available

Steve Sailer writes: “One thing that has changed is that topics for humor have narrowed, with men being the main safe choice left. For example, mother-in-law jokes were huge up into the 1970s (think Henny Youngman or Rodney Dangerfield), but … Continue reading

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The Case For Nationalism

Comments at Unz.com: * The internationalist left and right want to make people who are equally concerned about everyone, whether citizen or not. Someone who sees every human on this earth as equally worthy of concern. This is a noble … Continue reading

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All The Single Ladies Are Pushing America Over The Leftist Cliff

From the Chateau: Single momhood is up. The marriage rate is down. The age of first marriage is up. And the divorce industrial complex provides incentives to women to shatter marriages that would have survived similar rough patches not too … Continue reading

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The Philosophical Underpinnings Of Trumpism

From Unz.com: Trump is, in the decisive sense, more conservative than the entire conservative establishment. Unlike them, he is actually trying to conserve something bigger than his job and status: namely, the American nation. Yet “Trumpism” needs something Trump himself … Continue reading

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Who Is Michelle Fields?

From Gotnews.com: Sometimes you can tell a story is fake really quick. Sometimes you can tell a reporter is a fraud even faster just by talking to them. Last month Breitbart’s Michelle Fields falsely accused me of hacking her computer … Continue reading

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