Daily Archives: March 9, 2016

How Trump Is Inspiring A New Generation Of White Nationalists

From Huffington Post: WASHINGTON — The gathering on the eighth-floor rotunda of the federal government’s Ronald Reagan Building looked, at first glance, like any other Saturday-evening D.C. cocktail party. But this was no ordinary affair. The 50 or so people … Continue reading

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Is Physiognomy Destiny?

I feel like I can usually guess someone’s politics by looking at them. Muscular men, for instance, tend to be more right-wing and skinny men tend to be more left-wing. A friend says: This is similar to the use of … Continue reading

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Hillary, Donald and the Nadir of American Democracy

Pundits hate being rendered irrelevant. I think that is the primary source of much of their rage against Donald Trump. He has shown that they are out of touch with the historic American nation. Trump doesn’t want their advice. Their … Continue reading

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Twitter Is An Equalizer

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Twitter is a fantastic equalizer and game-changer. The old mass media setup allowed pundits to comfortably sit in their seats on cable news shows and pound away at us like naval guns firing from offshore. … Continue reading

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Kris Kobach For VP?

Comment: Kris Kobach endorses Trump. Buried in the details of the endorsement is the fact that Kobach is in touch with Trump and explaining to Trump legislative mechanisms which can be used to compel Mexico to pay for a wall. … Continue reading

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