Daily Archives: March 8, 2016

Howard Kurtz: Media warnings against Donald Trump shift from aggressive to apocalyptic

Howard Kurtz writes for Fox News: For all the talk of the Republican establishment trying to stop Donald Trump, it’s the media establishment that is cranking up the volume to deafening levels. What’s remarkable about this sustained assault is that … Continue reading

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NYT: An Anti-Semitism of the Left

Tweet: “When Jews get bitten by the vile monsters they pet and feed, sympathy can be strained.” In normal leftist thought, ethnic and religious differences are accorded no importance. It is therefore normal, natural and healthy for self-respecting consistent leftists … Continue reading

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WP: How Israel’s Jewishness is overtaking its democracy

Western notions of democracy, or, frankly, any notions of democracy, are not important parts of Judaism. Democracy is not that important. Wouldn’t you rather have a dictator who was on your side? I don’t expect any group to care about … Continue reading

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