Monthly Archives: March 2016

Puerto Rico Boosts Marco Rubio

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think that constitutes a confirmation of the sagacity of all the Jewish billionaires who have rallied around (and financed) Marco Rubio. They really do have the pulse of America. It’s no wonder they control … Continue reading

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There Are Good Reasons For Speaking In Code

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Things should be called by their proper names.” Generally yes, but not necessarily. On an internet with ever-more sophisticated search-engines, there are good reasons for sometimes speaking in code, if you don’t want to attract … Continue reading

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Some Europeans Want To Defend Their Countries

From IBT: Polish far right groups are extending their influence across Europe through radicalised members of the country’s diaspora, a leading expert has warned. Rafal Pankowski, professor at the Collegium Civitas and a director of the Never Again anti-racism group, … Continue reading

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Why Do WNs Talk About Jews As ‘Eskimos’?

Explanation: “The root Eskimo points to 2006 Amren conference. Created into existence by, spontaneous I assume, words of Guillaume Faye. “The water is immigration,” he continued. “We must fight on two fronts, but not by the same means. We must … Continue reading

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Celia Finkelstein: ‘I have no current plans to kill myself.’

Celia’s Twitter bio says: “I’m an actor and a writer and I have no current plans to kill myself.” Wow. She links to her IMDB page from where I take this lovely photo. According to her IMDB bio: “Celia Finkelstein … Continue reading

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