Monthly Archives: March 2016

LAT: Growing up Darden: My classmates thought my father, who prosecuted O.J. Simpson, was a traitor

What would it look like if whites had the same racial solidarity as blacks? Christopher Darden’s illegitimate daughter Jenee Darden writes for this op/ed for the Los Angeles Times: Growing up Darden: My classmates thought my father, who prosecuted O.J. … Continue reading

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The Way Conservative Pundits Live Now

From the Journal of American Greatness: It may surprise some readers to know that this journal quite enjoys John Podhoretz. He has an excellent voice for Twitter, and his monthly GLOP podcast, especially, is not to be missed. We have … Continue reading

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The Trumpian Philosophy

From the Journal of American Greatness: During the pre-South Carolina debate, Donald Trump notoriously said that Bush (43) should have been impeached. This naturally caused all sorts of outrage among “conservatives.” But what did Trump mean? That Bush should have … Continue reading

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Agudah Israel’s Rabbi Avi Shafran: A Troubling America for Jews as Trump Awakes Its Bigots and Haters

Bigotry and hatred is unknown among Jews, so when we encounter it among the goyim, it shocks our tender sensibilities. Bigotry and hatred are unknown in the Torah, right? Incidentally, a recent poll shows that Donald Trump receives 61% support … Continue reading

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Deport Them All

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Well, this election might be the clearest in history on immigration. Deport them all versus Deport none. If the American people don’t choose right, we’ll know they get what they deserve. * The main reason … Continue reading

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