Monthly Archives: March 2016

Chaim Amalek: ‘Is the Washington Post calling on its readers to profile?’

WaPo Editorial: Bystanders could have helped prevent the deaths of these two young women ON THE night that University of Virginia student Hannah Graham disappeared, two people saw her with the man later convicted of killing her. Both noticed something … Continue reading

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Ben Shapiro: ‘Our likely nominee is a sexist asshat’

I reply on Twitter: * Calling a woman unwatchable is sexist? When did you become a slur merchant like the left? * Will you soon start throwing slurs like Islamophobic, homophobic, lookist, ageist, racist (we must destroy their careers!)? * … Continue reading

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Murray Rothbard Would Have Loved Donald Trump

From Radix Journal: A few months ago Richard Spencer noted that for all the hate Libertarianism Inc. was giving Donald Trump, the late libertarian polymath Murray Rothbard probably would have liked him and his candidacy quite a bit. Now that … Continue reading

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Why Does Steve Sailer Seem So Subdued During His Season Of Triump?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’m not the first to note, Steve, that you’ve been strangely subdued throughout the primary process, even though it represents a culmination (of sorts) of all your political writing over the past decade and a … Continue reading

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OK Kosher Takes Over Kehilla Kosher, Kosher Restaurants Worried

I hear: is the second largest national kosher organization. Wants to take the keys away from owners. Mandatory Mashgiach temidi$$$$. Will put the small guys out of business. OK doesn’t care! Well firstly, their base monthly fee is going … Continue reading

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