Monthly Archives: March 2016

I Wish America Had A Wall Like Israel’s

From Breitbart: Israel to Raise Height of Egypt Border Fence to Block Migrants TEL AVIV – Israel is set to raise the height of its fence along the Egyptian border in an effort to keep out migrants, defense officials said … Continue reading

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They Broke Up Over Donald Trump

This is a beautiful story of a man finding his balls, just like America is finding its balls. Rachel Brewson writes: For me, Trump’s racist comments are a bridge too far. We’d watch the debates and argue — that was … Continue reading

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Is America Getting Stupider?

* After dealing with five incompetents at Verizon, my friend finally got put through to a Jew in customer service who solved his problem. * Does every people have a right to live in any country they want? Jews in … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Stone Cold Truths About Women

From the Chateau: I’ll let you in on a leetle secret. It wasn’t Trump’s policy positions that initially roused my enthusiasm for his prospects as a cuckstablishment destroyer. Yes, the Wall and the rest of it certainly sealed the deal, … Continue reading

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Jews For Trump

Jonathan Marks posts on FB: * How Are Those Non-Racist Open Borders Working Out? Is Islamophobia worse than rape and sexual assault? More than 1,000 crimes by Muslim migrants against women in a single night in Cologne. Police detain two … Continue reading

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