Monthly Archives: March 2016

Jack Dorsey: You’re A Liar. Censorship Is Rampant On Twitter

Milo writes: In Shakespearean times, cuckolds were referred to as “he who has horns” — an issue everyone else can see, that’s not obvious to them. Everyone else sees his shame immediately, but the cuckold can only tell by looking … Continue reading

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Jewish Law & Ideology

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: Let me now return to the matter of halakhic decisions and ideology. As mentioned, Rabbi Gordimer is mistaken in stating that Modern Orthodox poskim evaluate matters the same way as haredi poskim. They don’t, and … Continue reading

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Can Women Be Orthodox Rabbis?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: I have found a number of statements by mainstream rabbinic figures that, if one didn’t know better, one would think that they were said by liberal Orthodox figures. For example: ומה אעשה ולבי מרחם על … Continue reading

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Marc Shapiro: ‘In older pictures you find rabbis walking down the aisle at weddings. Has anyone been to a wedding where this is still done?’

Marc posts another picture of R. Moshe, the Rav, and R. Shneur Kotler: “It was taken at the wedding of R. Moshe Dovid Tendler’s daughter, Rivka, to R. Shabtai Rappaport. The man on the left is R. Isaac Tendler, R. … Continue reading

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Protesting Bigots and Demagogues at AIPAC? Don’t Stop at Trump. Call Out Netanyahu

It’s very easy to call the goyim bigoted, but what about Jewish leaders? Should they have to pass the sort of purity test that Jewish organizations apply to goyisha leaders? From Haaretz: Many American Jews are angered at the prospect … Continue reading

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