Monthly Archives: March 2016

Ethiopians March In Jerusalem Over Aliya Stoppage

REPORT: Jerusalem – Activists demonstrated against a recent government decision to restrict Ethiopian immigration on Sunday, marching from the capital’s International Convention Center to the Prime Minister’s Office where they held a protest. At issue is the government’s announcement earlier … Continue reading

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Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein Says Women Should Not Drive As It ‘Compromises Tzniyus’

REPORT: As we prepare to mark the shloshim for the victims of the Egged 402 bus accident that claimed six lives, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, Rav of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak speaks to the tzibur. The accident … Continue reading

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An open letter to Donald Trump from Orthodox rabbis

LINK: The Orthodox Community Responds to Donald Trump at AIPAC March 18, 2016 Dear Mr. Trump: We are writing to you as you prepare to address the largest pro-Israel gathering in North America. We care deeply not only about America’s … Continue reading

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New York Nursing Home With Ties to ultra-Orthodox Charities Faces Medicaid Ban

Report: Bronxwood Home for the Aged could soon be required to pay $6.9 million in restitution to New York State and be kicked out of Medicaid for three years over administrative violations. …OMIG found 133 documents provided by Bronxwood that … Continue reading

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Jews Coming Around On Trump

Rabbi Gil Student writes: “I have never liked Trump on any level but with all the talking heads bashing him, the contrarian in me is increasingly reconsidering my lack of support. Anyone on whom liberal rabbis will walk out as … Continue reading

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