Monthly Archives: March 2016

Andy Grove RIP

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Andy Grove was also one of the many brilliant and high achieving Hungarian Jews of the 20th century. If there was ever a group in the modern age to be studied to find any genes … Continue reading

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Trump says U.S. should toughen up fight against Islamist militants

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, reacting to attacks at Brussels airport and a metro station on Tuesday, said the United States and Western countries should toughen up in their fight against Islamist militants. “I would close … Continue reading

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Why Did Trump Speak At AIPAC?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Why did Trump speak at AIPAC? Trump does not pander. But he knows everyone will be watching what HE said at AIPAC. And they are. If he used the word “Palestinian”, everyone will talk about … Continue reading

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Terror In Brussels

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Whatever the cause, the solution is clearly More Immigration. * If you’ve already blamed what’s happened in #Brussels on Islamic immigrants, then you are a racist. You. Are. A. Racist. * Yes, I openly admit … Continue reading

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Keeping Extremists Out: The History of Ideological Exclusion and the Need for Its Revival

By James R. Edwards Jr. September 2005 James R. Edwards, Jr., Ph.D., is an adjunct fellow with the Hudson Institute, co-author of The Congressional Politics of Immigration Reform, and contributor to several published volumes concerning immigration issues. His writings have … Continue reading

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