Monthly Archives: March 2016

Blondes Aren’t Dumb

“The Daily Mail has a story about a study showing blonde women have higher IQs than brunettes or redheads. Note they reference the 1980 ASVAB and that they dropped black and hispanic women from the results.” Daily Mail: Data for … Continue reading

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The Muslim Question

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’ve never been to Belgium, but I was shocked at the footage of the arrest a few days ago. I could not understand why the reporters and officials were so jubilant that they made an … Continue reading

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U.S. Admits More Muslim Immigrants in 5 Years Than Entire Muslim Population of Belgium

Daniel Horowitz writes last year after the Paris Attacks: As we ominously watch European cities like Brussels and Paris beleaguered by a growing population of homegrown radical Islamists, we must ask what our government is doing to prevent the United … Continue reading

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Why Israel Loves Donald Trump

If Trump is upsetting to delicate Jewish sensibilities, how come Israelis love him? Maybe Trump is only upsetting to wimpy spoiled Jews. Cucked Jews are upset by Trump. Real Jews, aka Israelis and Orthodox Jews, love Trump. If Israel wants … Continue reading

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Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: As Jews, It’s Now Our Job to Help Other Refugees

Do you want more Muslims in your neighborhood? – The Torah reiterates, no less than 36 times, versions of the commandment to love the stranger as ourselves, for we know the heart of a stranger, as we were once … Continue reading

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