Monthly Archives: March 2016

American Cities Receiving The Most Somalis

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Donald Trump’s Social Media Followers Include Many White Advocates

Somebody who cares about white people is no more a white supremacist than a Tibetan who cares about Tibetans is a Tibetan supremacist. Hurling slurs is easy, but it reveals you don’t have an argument. There are only two honorable … Continue reading

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Uber’s Muslim Problem

The sharing economy depends upon high social trust. High crime groups destroy that trust. REPORT: A growing number of drivers working for Uber, Lyft and similar taxi services have been accused of sexually assaulting female passengers. And many of them … Continue reading

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Trend: 680,000 Green Cards Issued to Migrants from Muslim Nations in Only 5 Years

Why? How does that help America? From Breitbart: The federal government issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from majority-Muslim countries from 2009 to 2013, according to the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest. Federal data from the Department … Continue reading

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DATA: Young Muslims in the West Are a Ticking Time Bomb, Increasingly Sympathising with Radicals, Terror

Every group should ask itself if it is a blessing to those around them. Raheem Kassam writes: On the back of the Brussels terror attack it is worthwhile remembering that while a majority of Muslims in the West appear to … Continue reading

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