Monthly Archives: March 2016

After Islamic Terror, What Will Be Left For Our Kids?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Just before my grandfather died he started giving away his valuables to just about any stranger he felt was worthy of his charity. He was losing his marbles, we were losing our inheritance. Our dotty … Continue reading

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How’s Israel Doing Assimilating Its Muslims?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Israel’s Arab citizens (20% of its population; most of whom are Muslim) are much better integrated than French or Belgian Muslims. * Mondoweiss: Jews and Arabs don’t really mix much in Israel. They attend separate … Continue reading

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Will terror help Trump?

The worse it gets, the better Trump will look to many voters. America might need a strong man like Trump every so often. Politico: In his victory speech after last week’s Florida primary, Donald Trump pinpointed the key moment in … Continue reading

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Will Rudy Be VP?

Rudy and Trump have been friends for a long time. REPORT: Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani will probably endorse Donald Trump for president, but wants to “think about it a little bit more” beforehand. “The way I look … Continue reading

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Trump Yarmulkes Are Biggest Seller at AIPAC Conference

Perhaps AIPAC should apologize to the other candidates? Alana Goodman writes: If yarmulke sales are any indication of voter attitudes, Donald Trump was the clear winner at AIPAC on Monday night. Marc Daniels, a vendor selling campaign logo kippas outside … Continue reading

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