Monthly Archives: March 2016

Why Is Central Europe Free From The Islamic Terror Threat?

Because that part of Europe has few Muslims. Ed West writes: Central Europe, chiefly Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, remain largely safe from the terror threat, despite the former in particular being a Nato player in the Middle East. … Continue reading

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The Sadistic But Charismatic Archetype

From the Chateau: In Japan, a burgeoning “fake anime boyfriend” market is capturing the hearts of Japanese women and overseas American women. Since the 90s, Japanese women have been playing otome (“maiden”) games, which allow the player to pursue virtual … Continue reading

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The Science Of Slurs

From the Chateau: There’s nothing quite like a sharp semantic shiv that hits a vital. But did you know slurs evolved to serve a social purpose? And that there are sex-based differences in the perception of slurs? We investigated the … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld: ‘Donald Trump is wicked. As a rabbi, I had to protest his AIPAC speech.’

From his op/ed in the Washington Post: This Purim, we Jews must not bow down and kneel to a man who inspires hatred. As a rabbi of an Orthodox congregation in Washington, I am a strong supporter of Israel and … Continue reading

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Is It Lion Supremacy To Care About The Survival Of This Mountain Lion?

New York Times: The problem, experts say, is that there is nowhere else for him to go. Male mountain lions fight to the death to protect their territory, and there is no suitable habitat left unclaimed in California. “It’s not … Continue reading

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