Monthly Archives: February 2016

TV Show Blackish

Donald Trump tweets: How is ABC Television allowed to have a show entitled “Blackish”? Can you imagine the furor of a show, “Whiteish”! Racism at highest level? Kevin MacDonald tweets and retweets: * Maybe DT should hold such thoughts until … Continue reading

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Weekly Standard: Trump Won’t Disavow David Duke, KKK Support, ‘I Will Do Research On Them’

Ramzpaul tweets and retweets: * Trump won’t jump through compliance hoops for the ADL – a Jewish Supremacist group. He is not their bitch. * Look at the hypocrites who support Jewish identity, but refuse the same for Whites. * … Continue reading

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Jews, Non-Jews & Group Interests

Goy Philosopher emails: I recently discovered your site after listening to an interview you did with Robert Stark. Your take on politics and religion is insightful and honest. I’m a fan! But I have a question. You defend two claims: … Continue reading

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Chris Christie Endorsement Shows Widening Cracks In Republican Establishment

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What do we make of the fact that Carson and Kasich haven’t withdrawn yet, per National Review’s orders? Do we conclude that they don’t too much mind the prospect of Trump winning the nomination? * … Continue reading

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Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do

From American Thinker: It’s time to fact-check the fact-checkers. The Washington Post’s Michelle Yee Hee Lee gave Donald Trump four Pinocchios for saying, “They’re bringing crime” across the border from Mexico. The Post scribe added, “Trump clarified that he was … Continue reading

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