Monthly Archives: February 2016

Mark Zuckerberg Warns Iowa Ahead of Vote to Reject Trump

From Breitbart: As first-in-the-nation Iowa voters prepare to caucus, open borders financier Mark Zuckerberg weighed in on the race through the president of his powerful immigration lobbying firm, In a Monday CNBC interview, President Todd Schulte made clear … Continue reading

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Forward: Iowa Caucuses Cap Harsh Campaign Dominated by Christian Appeals

Nathan Guttman writes: Mixing religion and politics has, traditionally, been a source of concern for Jewish voters. “It’s a slippery slope and there are concerns about how much religion is being talks,” said David Adelman, the Des Moines Jewish federation’s … Continue reading

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Marty Kaplan: The idiocy of the Iowa caucuses

Marty Kaplan writes: “We’re suckers for the patriotic mythology and gauzy imagery of town halls and high school gyms where candidates get grilled and caucus-goers speak up and get counted. But the power of Iowa and New Hampshire isn’t a … Continue reading

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EXCLUSIVE: Pollster Frank Luntz Helped Shape Marco Rubio’s Entire Political Career, Did Not Disclose Relationship on Fox News

From Breitbart: Pollster Frank Luntz has been instrumental in shaping the political career of young Sen. Marco Rubio, raising grave concerns about Fox News’ decision not to disclose that relationship before Luntz showcased an extraordinarily pro-Rubio focus-group after Thursday night’s … Continue reading

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Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East

From Haaretz: He wants to take Israel’s wall and run with it much much further Trump regularly cites Israeli policies that already divide the American Jewish community as being both successful and replicable for the United States. He cites “the … Continue reading

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