Monthly Archives: February 2016

Cohesion Vs Diversity

You can either have a cohesive society with high social trust or a diverse society filled with distrust. The only way to run a country with low social trust is with lots of laws and regulations. As America has become … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Marco Rubio Is the Flamingo Kid

Jewish Republicans I know love Marco Rubio. Dennis Prager says he’s the most electable Republican candidate for president. Bruce Bolton tweets: “John Edwards comparison is three-fer 1. Pretty boy light weight, 2. scandal floating under surface, 3. and he lost, … Continue reading

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Microaggressions At Harvard

Steve Sailer writes: From the New York Times: Black America and the Class Divide The economic gap within the African-American community is one of the most important factors in the rise of Black Lives Matter, led by a new generation … Continue reading

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Reporter Fabricated Quotes, Invented Sources at The Intercept

From Gawker: The Intercept disclosed today that a former reporter for the national-security focused website fabricated quotes and invented sources for a number of stories published last year. According to a post published on Tuesday afternoon by editor-in-chief Betsy Reed, … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Remarkably Consistent Worldview

I suspect that Donald Trump will take a more skeptical view of the benefits of a close relationship with Israel than any other candidate in the race. Trump is a realist. He’s an American-firster like Charles Lindberg. From Politico, Jan. … Continue reading

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