Monthly Archives: February 2016

One Glaring Difference Between Alpha Males And Beta Males

From the Chateau: Alpha males are DEMANDING of their women. They bark orders, issue commands, set expectations, and aren’t afraid to show disappointment if their expectations aren’t met. They will correct their women’s mistakes and rebuke errors of judgment firmly, … Continue reading

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Trump-Effect: Fox News Channel’s Brand Takes 50% Hit Among Republicans

John Nolte writes: Just last week, a years-long tradition came to a screeching halt. “You want me to put it on Fox News,” I asked my wife. “No,” she replied. “I’m done with Fox News.” My job is to monitor … Continue reading

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White Man’s Burden

A mate of mine has taken on the white man’s burden and given an abo a job, but it has been an endless nightmare. The abo can’t find his birth certificate, can’t open a bank account, can’t access his tax … Continue reading

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Malcolm Turnbull under pressure after George Christensen likens Safe Schools program to paedophile grooming

The Sydney Morning Herald: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is under pressure to slap down a conservative Coalition MP who has likened the Safe Schools anti-bullying program to grooming undertaken by sexual predators. Outspoken Queensland backbencher George Christensen on Thursday claimed … Continue reading

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Republican Establishment’s Open Borders Lifeboat Sinking with Rubio

Tom Tancredo writes: The establishment media won’t tell you this Tuesday, but the Republican Party civil war is over and the establishment lost. Both of the remaining front-runners, Trump and Cruz, are outsiders, and the insider, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)79% … Continue reading

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