Monthly Archives: February 2016

Note from a Trump Supporter: It’s the Immigration, Stupid!

Education Realist blogs Jan. 31, 2016: Ann Althouse predicts a cascade of smart, educated Trump supporters in the coming months. I am kinda sorta in the ballpark of smart and educated–for a teacher, anyway—and came out early for Trump. So … Continue reading

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The Dark Enlightenment and Duck Dynasty

Education Realist blogs: The Dark Enlightenment has been discovered. Eeeek. I’ve written about my adoption by the Network and have nothing to change–it’s not something I consider myself part of, per se, but they apparently find my writing helpful. I’m … Continue reading

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Is The Phrase ‘New York Values’ Code For ‘Jewish Values’?

The New Republic: Ted Cruz confirms that “New York values” is code for “Jewish.”When Cruz accused Donald Trump of having New York values, there was a debate about whether this was an anti-Semitic dog whistle. Writing in The New Yorker, … Continue reading

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IQ 97: The Breaking Point

Staffans blogs: It’s a well-known fact that intelligence corresponds to various kinds of life outcomes at the individual level, such as income, education, drug abuse, criminality etc. A little less known is the fact that national average IQs correspond to … Continue reading

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Jayman: The Problem with HBD, the Dark Enlightenment, Neoreaction, Alt-Rightism, and All That Jazz

Jayman, a Jamaican-America blogger, writes: Courtesy super-commenter “misdreavus“, over at West Hunter: let me point out that with notably few exceptions, so-called “HBD” (or “human biodiversity”) is a movement that exists largely within the confines of the internet. This, of … Continue reading

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