Monthly Archives: February 2016

ABC miniseries ‘Madoff’ does not stint on the Jewish angle

New York Times: “If the main job of a Madoff drama is to get inside the head of a man who could pull off such a brazen scheme for so long, “Madoff” doesn’t find much there besides clichés about striving … Continue reading

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The Trumpening

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Trump’s a man who understands that celebrities have a new persona in the last 50 years, and that is the television persona. Caesar could be chummy with a common beggar he ran into and individually … Continue reading

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Marco Rubio’s Meltdown

From The Guardian: Defenders of the long, arduous process by which the United States elects a president often say the marathon campaign’s chief value is that it finds people out. On Saturday night that old saw was confirmed once again … Continue reading

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Where’s Columba Bush?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Again, why isn’t Jeb! having Columba front and center on the campaign trail with him, by his side and making a few speeches before women’s groups? That is a fair question especially since this is … Continue reading

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The Ferguson Effect

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What’s so magical about 12 month periods of time? Cultural shifts may take time to sink in and spread out. They act like a ‘Ferguson Effect’ is as a light switch that gets snapped on … Continue reading

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