Monthly Archives: February 2016

Let’s Make America Great Again

Mencius Moldbug, founder of the Dark Enlightenment, writes in 2009: Let’s say you… wanted to take America back to the past and establish a new order of hereditary nobility… First, we need to define noble status. Our rule is simple: … Continue reading

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Haaretz: Netanyahu: We’ll Surround Israel With Fences ‘To Defend Ourselves Against Wild Beasts’

I wish America was more like Israel in taking border protection seriously. From Haaretz: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a tour to the construction site of a barrier on the eastern border on Tuesday that he wishes to surround … Continue reading

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Are Male Promiscuity And Female Chastity Compatible?

From the Chateau: The top 20% of women strongly prefer to be with the top 10% of men. The top 10% of men will spread their seed among the top 30% of women (and often more widely than that), only … Continue reading

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‘A general intelligence factor in dogs’

Link: The structure of cognitive abilities in dogs is similar to that found in people. – Dogs that solved problems more quickly were also more accurate. – Dogs’ cognitive abilities can be tested quickly, like those of people. – Bigger … Continue reading

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You Don’t Know What Obama Said at the Mosque

Dennis Prager has done as much as any public intellectual in the mainstream to warn about the dangers of Islam to the West. He writes this week: If you seek to understand Barack Obama and his views, the best place … Continue reading

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