Monthly Archives: February 2016

Democrats Are The Black Party, Republicans Are The White Party

Steve Sailer wrote in 2009: Two weeks ago, I noted that the Republican Party has been digging itself an ever deeper electoral hole by tolerating (when not exacerbating) the lax immigration policies of the last four-plus decades. These caused demographic … Continue reading

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Another Saturday Night Debate

Justin Raimondo summarizes: Winner: Trump Most Pathetic: Jeb (again) Most nervous: The Twink Most sanctimonious: Kasich Slimiest: Cruz Sleepiest: Carson #GOPDebate

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Jews and Germany 1933

As a Jew, I find it easy to slip into the thinking that we’re a tiny defenseless people continually assailed by our insane and genocidal enemies. On the other hand, many non-Jews see Jewish domination of finance, media, law, and … Continue reading

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Democrats Are The Party Of The Disaffected

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Hillary Campaigns to be America’s Third Black President” Modelling yourself after the only living two-term Democratic presidents seems wise, no? The high/low strategy of simultaneously appealing to affluent suburban whites and poor minorities wins elections, … Continue reading

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Q. Does Race Exist? A. It’s Good Enough for Government Work.

Steve Sailer writes: One of the weirder contradictions of contemporary dogma is the belief that race does not exist combined with the government’s obsession with counting everybody by self-identified race. If race doesn’t exist, you’d think that, say, the Obama … Continue reading

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