Monthly Archives: February 2016

Canada’s Idiot Prime Minister

Comments to Steve Sailer: * For all intents and purposes, Canadians chose Kim Kardashian as prime minister. Further proof that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. * That boxing match and the video of Trudeau doing some Indian dancing are … Continue reading

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The Replication Crisis

Steve Sailer writes: Why a Repetition Crisis? Dissident social psychologist Jonathan Haidt of NYU’s Stern School of Business, author of The Righteous Mind, pointed out in a freewheeling interview with John Leo how the ever-growing list of sacred cows in … Continue reading

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Is Obama Queer?

From the Chateau: It’s only a split-second long, but about halfway through this video of president Three Snaps taking a selfie he reveals what has got to be the GAYEST looking expression possible from a putatively heterosexual man. The coy … Continue reading

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Florida teen arrested after posing as doctor, opening medical practice

Seven out of eight black doctors depended upon affirmative action to get into medical school. Do you want an affirmative action doctor? Black doctors suffer from huge rates of malpractice. REPORT: WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — A Florida teen was … Continue reading

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Man Arrested in Scotland for Facebook Posts About Refugees

The ADL will be happy. From Breitbart: Police have arrested a 40-year old man in Scotland over a number of allegedly “offensive” Facebook posts about refugees. Police in Scotland said that a man had been held under the Communications Act, … Continue reading

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