Monthly Archives: February 2016

Skirting Around The Impact Of IQ

Comments on Charles Murray’s recent Wall Street Journal op-ed: * In writing for the WSJ, Murray must skirt around ‘IQ’, which is a major contributing factor for the decline of the ‘middle’. Murray knows this, too – he wrote a … Continue reading

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Trump poised to step on the GOP accelerator

NEWS: CHARLESTON, S.C. Things sure look good for Donald Trump. The Republican presidential race expanded across the country Sunday, and polls show the real estate mogul ahead in eight of the dozen states voting in the next nine days. Trump … Continue reading

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From AIPAC to Trump: Michael Glassner’s journey

Jewish Journal: How does one go from serving as AIPAC’s Southwest Regional Political Director a year ago to running Donald Trump’s national political operation today? Ever since Trump announced his White House bid last June, Michael Glassner has been serving … Continue reading

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JJ: Jeb, Cruz go after Trump for ‘neutral’ stance on Israel

Most Americans are neutral on Israel so Trump should fit right in with them. Strangely enough, Americans seem to like a presidential candidate who puts American interests first, just as Bibi Netanyahu puts Israel’s interests first. Jewish Journal: Republican presidential … Continue reading

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Jewish Leaders Take A Stand Against The Death Penalty

Most Orthodox Jews in America vote Republican and most Orthodox Jews in America support the death penalty and regard abortion as morally wrong. Rabbi Yanklowitz is part of the left-wing Chovevei Torah crowd. Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz writes: In a … Continue reading

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