Monthly Archives: January 2016

Where The Left And Sane Americans Can Find Common Ground

From the Chateau: Americans are more ideologically and culturally polarized now than at any time except perhaps the decade before and after the Civil War. A shared vision for the future seems impossible, but there are issues, if you search … Continue reading

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On Perilous Migrant Trail, Women Often Become Prey to Sexual Abuse

Comments: * Most weighty story of the year one would think. On Perilous Migrant Trail, Women Often Become Prey to Sexual Abuse How long did they fiddle with the title? Is the migrant trail very perilous other than the rape? … Continue reading

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The passion of Zizek

Tanisha Rowland writes: The story begins with blogger Steve Sailer’s mentioning an article of Zizek’s entitled “A plea for a return to difference (with a minor pro domo sua)”, posted in 2006 on a philosophy blog, Critical Theory. In this … Continue reading

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Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest reviews: * “Farm Boys” is a superb work of American oral history and sociology. Author Will Fellows spoke to rural gay Midwestern men of all ages, to draw out, record and give shape to their life stories. The result … Continue reading

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How to Teach Math to Black Students

By Shahid Muhammad. “Intended for parents and teachers of African American students, this book provides strategies for correcting the racial achievement gap in upper-grade mathematics. Advice is provided on instilling confidence in African American students and on teaching math … Continue reading

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