Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Ferguson effect in Los Angeles – more crime

Heather Mac Donald writes: Crime rose dramatically in Los Angeles last year, according to Los Angeles Police Department data. Homicides were up 10%, shooting victims up 12.6%, and aggravated assaults up 27.5%, compared with 2014. Violent crime overall was up … Continue reading

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Study: Women Are More Xenophilic Than Men

From the Chateau: Piggybacking on the previous post (and perhaps modifying it), here is a research paper (h/t Irving) authored by Chateau VIP guest Satoshi Kanazawa which uncovered some ugly truths about sex differences in xenophilia (pathological love of foreigner). … Continue reading

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Fred Silverstein – Lay Rabbi, Duck Hunter

From Field and Stream: Fred Silverstein may be the country’s most experienced flooded-timber hunter. He has hunted the last 60-plus duck openers and has no plans of stopping—not when his camp is full of kids, grandkids, and in-laws who can’t … Continue reading

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The Deep State

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I also think a parallel read of Peter Dale Scott’s book on the Deep State would make a good companion piece. His view is less trusting than Lofgren’s, and focuses on Continuity of Government (COG) … Continue reading

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The President’s Blackism

Paul Gottfried writes: One truly fascinating commentary is his analysis of “blackism” as the recognizable worldview of our president. In contrast to the representatives of Conservatism, Inc., Jack does not view Obama as first and foremost a “socialist” without a … Continue reading

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