Monthly Archives: January 2016

Why He Won’t Vote For Donald Trump

Peter Wehner writes in the New York Times: “During the course of this campaign he has repeatedly revealed his ignorance on basic matters of national interest — the three ways the United States is capable of firing nuclear weapons (by … Continue reading

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‘Rare piece of Islamic art rescued from ISIS destruction’

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Steve Sailer: GOP Promises Different Immigration Policies in English and Spanish

Steve Sailer writes: From the Miami Herald: In GOP State of the Union responses, different messages in English and Spanish on immigration @PatriciaMazzei The Conservative Treehouse puts Gov. Nikki Haley’s English version and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart’s Spanish-language version in an … Continue reading

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How Does The World Work?

Steve Sailer writes: The world is organized into 200 separate territorial states, each with armed men employed by its government. It’s interesting to speculate about other ways to organize the world, but it’s not clear that there are other ways … Continue reading

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Is Anyone On ‘Billions’ Jewish?

A friend of mine worked for a billionaire. Luke: “Is he Jewish?” Friend: “What do you think? I’d work for a goy?” Comment: There’s a new Showtime series called Billions, about hedge funds in New York, which is debuting Sunday. … Continue reading

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