Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Decline & Fall Of St. Louis

Comments: * Has St Louis been adversely affected by Ferguson and related issues? I understand St Louis County is where the people with means have moved, and St Louis city is where the stadium is. Is the city that bad? … Continue reading

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This Cal Tech Scientist Fell In Love With His Female Graduate Student And She Tried To Take Advantage

Comments: * The story of the Cal Tech Astrophysicist who has been suspended because he fell in love with one female graduate student and talked about it with another is worth looking into. I get the sense from the reading … Continue reading

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The Left’s Endgame Hits the Wall

Dan Gorski writes: If there is such thing as a “hockey stick” graph, it charts the disappearance of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and hope of the American middle class during the last 50 years. In 2008 Americans sleepwalked to the polls … Continue reading

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Is Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Gay?

He sure looks gay to me. The way he runs the US Supreme Court screams gay to me. A respected legal commentator named Captain Obvious writes on the Chateau: “Rafael “Ted Cruz” Cuba brought s0d0mite CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN PHAGBERTS into … Continue reading

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The Three Beta Male Mortal Sins

From the Chateau: Beta males regularly commit three mortal sins that banish them to the Hell of Incel. They are listed here. Why are the Big Three Beta Male Sins against love of a mortal nature? One, the sin involves … Continue reading

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