Monthly Archives: January 2016

Is Ted Cruz an anti-Semitic hypocrite?

A Jewish friend says: “When is the last time Eshman ever voted for any Republican running for President? The next thing I would expect him to do is attack Cruz because his last name translates to Cross, as in the … Continue reading

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Time (2003): Whites and the Next Racial Clash in America

From Time magazine Feb. 18, 2003: According to political scientist Carol M. Swain’s unsettling new book, “The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration,” the U.S. is on the brink of an explosion of white “tribalism” that could … Continue reading

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German Guide For Refugees: “Women are to be respected, no matter what they wear.”

Miriam Lilian D Or I was wearing a winter coat and this still happened to me, as much as it would have happened if I wore a miniskirt. Luke Ford By a black man? Miriam Lilian D Or Yes. It … Continue reading

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You Could Say The Same For Auschwitz

“Sweeping its horrific history of displacement, racism, and class warfare under the rug for a second, Elysian Park is a pretty chill spot.” (Vice)

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A Google news search reveals that rabbis and Jewish groups have stopped calling for America to bring in Syrian Muslim refugees. Why the change?

Perhaps widespread revulsion at the Cologne NYE groping by Muslim immigrants was a factor? Maybe there never was a Jewish imperative for Western countries to take in more Muslims who are likely to hate it? Unhappy homos at Trump-Palin rally. … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration, Jews | Comments Off on A Google news search reveals that rabbis and Jewish groups have stopped calling for America to bring in Syrian Muslim refugees. Why the change?