Monthly Archives: January 2016

Will Blacks Hog All The Diversity Attention?

Steve Sailer writes: The article is of course about why there are only 5 black NFL head coaches instead of why there is only 1 Hispanic coach. There are now far more Latinos than blacks in the U.S., but nobody … Continue reading

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Invaders Tend To Be Male

Comments to Steve Sailer: * In Mexico (like Germany today) the invaders were male. They had to fornicate with somebody, so they started breeding with the local women. Hence the huge percentage of Mestizos in Mexico. Other countries, like the … Continue reading

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Why Are So Many Gorgeous White Women Adopting Black Kids?

Women are more sensitive to social cues. They’re less likely to act independently from their group. What women most want is for other women to like and admire them. So when white women adopt black kids, what’s going on? They’re … Continue reading

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Supreme Court restores death sentences in heinous Kansas murder spree

USA TODAY: WASHINGTON — Despite deep divisions over capital punishment, the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that in the case of some particularly heinous Kansas murders, death was the appropriate penalty. The court ruled 8-1 that death sentences handed down against … Continue reading

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A Modest Birth Control Proposal

I think it is a great idea to give all girls Norplant starting about age 11 and it should remain mandatory for any citizens until they are given permission to go off it. Getting pregnant is a privilege and only … Continue reading

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