Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Islamic Rape Invasion

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This is the new Germany… August 13, police arrested two Iraqi asylum seekers, aged 23 and 19, for raping an 18-year-old German woman behind a schoolyard in Hamm, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia. 3. July … Continue reading

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Is Trump The Republican Bill Clinton?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s because liberals fundamentally misunderstand what Trump is all about. They think he’s some sort of far-right extremist. In the modern liberal mind, signaling that you’re friendly to minorities is *the, single, issue* that matters, … Continue reading

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What Was Samuel Francis’s Pen Name For Hardcore Race Articles?

According to The Week: “Francis eventually turned into a something resembling an all-out white nationalist, penning his most racist material under a pen name.” Ellison Lodge tweets at me: 1. I asked his three closest “white nationalist” allies, he did … Continue reading

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VIDEO: A Path-Breaking Speech by R’ Shlomo Yehudah Rechnitz About Serious Issues Facing Lakewood

Yair Hoffman writes: Every so often a speech comes along that not only has a remarkable impact upon its audience, but it changes the trajectory of where that society is heading. Churchill gave such a speech in May of 1940 … Continue reading

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Haaretz’s Owner Proves Paper Has an Anti-Israel Political Agenda

Israel’s press is usually far more critical of Israel than America’s press. European news coverage of Israel is more similar to Israel’s news coverage of Israel than it is to America’s news coverage. Israelis are realists, Americans tend to have … Continue reading

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