Daily Archives: December 17, 2015

NYT: “The ‘Benefits’ of Black Physics Students”

Steve Sailer writes: It’s not impossible that this piece is a pitch-perfect parody that slipped past the editors. Unlikely, but not impossible …” …For example, “Calculate the total force experienced by rapper 50 Cents as he got shot by 9 … Continue reading

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Trump Needs A Radio Show

Comments to Steve Sailer: From the Baltimore Sun: Tuesday night’s GOP debate on CNN was another ratings juggernaut with an audience of 18 million viewers, according to Nielsen Fast National ratings. … CNN also live-streamed the production to CNN.com, its … Continue reading

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The Dashing Donald

Comments: “Jeb is so beta that you want to feel bad for him, but then you realize he wants your grandchildren to be brown, your cousins to die in the Middle East, your sweat to pay global profiteers, and your … Continue reading

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Study: May-December Romance is Normal, Natural, And The Way Of The Superior Man

From the Chateau: This is a shibboleth-smashing study sure to give ugly feminists (but I repeat myself) and game-hating tradcons the hives. Attachment Styles of Women-Younger Partners in Age-Gap Relationships. “Women have evolved to seek an older mate, however, research … Continue reading

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A Nation Of Immigrants

Comments to Steve Sailer: * We had the example of Sweden whose immigration policies have turned it into the rape capital of the world – Africa, and the posturing ponces in Washington still lecture on “A nation of Immigrants”. * … Continue reading

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